Friday, August 3, 2018

The Final Week

My internship experience is coming to an end. I just can't help to feel that it happened so quickly. I can still remember my first week here as it happened yesterday. But I guess it's time for me to get back to my life in Alabama. This will be my final school years, and I'm expected to graduate in the Spring of 2019. Interning here at NSF I've have gotten a glimpse of what it would be like in the workforce. Being here has prepared me more for the next chapter of my life. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything else in the world. This past week I spoke at a panel in Baltimore, Maryland on my experience as computer science major and my plans for the future. At NSF I kind of been getting everybody contact information trying to stay in touch with everybody when I leave. The office threw a going away party for me. We had ice cream cake and they provided me a going away present also. This week at NSF I had made presentation about the work I did in my office and the research project I've been working on. My research project was involving trends of the diversity of African-Americans in Cybersecurity. I'm coming up on my last couple of days here in the DMV area and its been fun.